Doing research for good pre-natal exercise courses in HK. Found these ones:
Seems the Iso Fit is the best one according to many blogs and GeoBabies. But still need to find out when's the best time to start the exercises and which one best fits our schedule and location. Any recommendations?
Kathy sent me a link - http://www.jshoppers.com/shohin.asp?Shocd=ND961902&PageNo=1&bunrui1=3&bunrui2=1&bunrui3=1
Kathy asked the question today since she's having a haircut tonight and she wanted to color her hair too. According to her own words,
"my grey hair is sticking out..
but i dun like my color now..."
Well, just today we got the weekly newsletter from BabyCenter and it has the exact quick tip on the topic. So according to the experts:
Ann Linden, certified nurse-midwife
The limited evidence that's available suggests that it's probably safe to dye your hair during pregnancy. The Organization of Teratology Information Services (OTIS), which provides information on potential reproductive risks, says that animal studies are reassuring and that there are no reports of hair dye causing changes in human pregnancies, despite the fact that many women have colored their hair during pregnancy. What's more, OTIS points out that very little of the chemicals in hair dye are actually absorbed into your system.
But then if we're still concerned, she can color her hair until the second trimester, when her developing baby is less vulnerable.
We've been thinking of the baby's name already (since we don't want it to be really called Little Curly :)
Kathy told Sam (Hoyan) today via MSN about the news:
Samuela* says: ohoh!!!! REALLY!!!!
Samuela* says: BEAUTIFUL!!!
Samuela* says: i wanna scream!!!!
Samuela* says: i wanna kiss u now!
As soon as we came back to Hong Kong, we delivered the good news to both of our parents. They were all so happy for us. As usual, Kathy's parents were filled with of happy tears. It was such a touching moment.
Today as we walked pass Town Hall area in Sydney, we saw a pair of lovely baby ballet shoes through the shop window and we immediately went in and bought it! It's for baby girl, so if Little Curly is a boy we'll save this for his baby sister in the future :)
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Kathy's Pregnancy Journal
Web Design :Ray Creations.