Today is 8 weeks, and it's about the size of a kidney bean! According to BabyCenter, its fingers and toes are poking out and its eyelids practically covers its eyes. Is it gonna be alien toes and 'single eye lids'? Its knee joints have formed, and his feet may be long enough to meet in front of its body. In its brain, nerve cells are branching out to connect with one another, forming primitive neural pathways. We're sure the baby is gonna be very smart!

Kathy's still very tired during the day and her legs are still itching with dry skins. She has to apply a lot of moisturizer and even baby oil continuously. She's not as moody like before, or is it that I'm getting used to it? ha!
Kathy received a call from the Doctor confirming a booking at St Teresa's Hospital in Kowloon. It's really crazy to have to book well in advance.
To add to Kathy's shopping list this week, here's the Ferragamo Varina flat shoes she's eyeing on... well, I might have to sacrifice buying a Canon 500D (for baby photoshooting, comes with 1080p HD video shooting as well!) for 2 pairs of these...
i think u just have to work harder!
Finally got a nice pair of flat shoes.... and end up i didn't get ferragamo, but from one of my favourite brand.. miu miu. hehe......
2 pairs to be exact!
go get as many pairs as your wife needs!!
I'm just yelled to AndrewL, why i dun hv ferragamo during preg! He just laugh and little Kae laugh in the same time... :(
haha.. J, ask him again when you're preg again lor...
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