Last night Kathy went for dinner with Angela and Fung sir and they had a discussion on Little Curly's education in the future. Kathy's head almost exploded with all the info and planning up ahead to prepare for a good education.
She was told that we need to plan ahead on where we're going to live so that Little Curly can enter into a good pre-school and kindergarten, and that would affect which primary school he would go to, and that would affect which secondary school he would end up in as well, and so forth. And we need to apply for the pre-school well in advance (right after the baby's born!!) and we will need to be interviewed for enrollment. Not the kid going through interviews, but the parents!!
WOW! We never thought it would be that serious and both of us didn't attend those 'top tier' schools. But Kathy pointed out that the schools would eventually affect the development of the child based on style of education and peer groups. Well I have no argument to that. I just think the most important education of all is family education and how the parents can become a good role model for the children. 身教重於言教. That's the source of the child's basic integrity and attitude. Once you have the right integrity and attitude, knowledge would come.
大學之道在明明德, 欲明明德於天下者, 先格物, 致其知, 誠其意, 正其心, 修其身, 齊其家, 治其國, 平天下:
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