We're at 33 weeks and counting down to just less than 7 weeks to go. We're feeling the excitement and also a little bit of reality shock :) "What's gonna happen?" "How are we gonna deal with the new born?" are the frequent questions popping up. Well, as long as he's healthy, that's all we care about for now :)
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Yesterday we went to our second prenatal class - "breathing during labour". It was a very helpful class, especially for Kathy :) Here's a funny clip when Kathy had to learn how to use breathing to minimize pain (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wxhqv0fOuWM)
Kung Hei Fat Choi everyone! The past week baby Jake celebrated Valentine's day, Chinese New Year, and Auntie Ruth's birthday together with his family. He even got red pockets (lai see) from grandpa, grandma and uncles and aunties. We wish him good health and be a good boy who loves his family.

Kathy had ordered a Aprica Hi-Lo chair couple months back and it was delivered on Tuesday. However after excitingly played around with the chair for a while, we realized it's the wrong model from what we've ordered.

Wow almost 8 months! Baby Jake is now over 16 inches long and about 3.8 pounds (according to BabyCenter he should just be 3.3lbs, a little over-weight) and is heading into a growth spurt. We can notice Kathy's tummy is growing exponentially and she's starting to feel the weight on her legs (she gained almost 20 lbs already). Baby Jake is constantly turning his head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are in big motions too, so Kathy might have trouble sleeping because his kicks and somersaults keep her up. But all this moving is a sign that he's active and healthy :)
This morning Kathy went for a pregnancy diabetes test, cos baby Jake is a bit over-weight and the Doc was afraid she might have pregnancy diabetes. Kathy couldn't eat any thing but drinks water and she had to take this super-duper sweet drink for the blood test. Before she took this drink she already had consulted others who had taken this drink. The comments were all negative and some even threw up after the drink. Fortunately Kathy was alright, despite of the extra sweetness. And shortly after (after we've waited for 2 hours) we went for a meal and she felt much better. We both know that baby Jake isn't too over-weight, he just got big bones (especially his femur) and he'll be a tall man!
Yesterday Kathy went to see Doctor Ko on her week 30 pregnancy and here's the ultrasound video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPe8rwLOsQ8):