We're at 33 weeks and counting down to just less than 7 weeks to go. We're feeling the excitement and also a little bit of reality shock :) "What's gonna happen?" "How are we gonna deal with the new born?" are the frequent questions popping up. Well, as long as he's healthy, that's all we care about for now :)
Today we went to see Dr Ko and baby Jake is measured up to 5.2lbs! He's way above average (according to BabyCenter he should just be a little over 4 lbs). The Doc projected with his growth rate, he should be at 8.2lbs when he comes out at week 40! Yup we know there's a Super Baby in Mommy's tummy right now!!
Here's the video of the ultrasound today. He wasn't very active and he hid his face and we couldn't get a clear shot of him. Nevertheless, we can still see he keeps putting on more fat...
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