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Today is Little Curly's first trip to Macau with Andy's colleagues. He was excited at the beginning but immediately felt tired after lunch. One thing we noticed is that he doesn't like gambling, which is good :)

We've just received few votes so far and here's the interim result (it changes real-time):

So far Jacob, Jonathan and Lucas are top of the list. For those of you who hasn't vote, please do follow this link - http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dEtyQjdXek9uSXhGV1J3TWhkRkNnWnc6MA

I'm now in Tokyo and I'm away from Little Curly (& Kathy) for the first time. Yeah I do miss them. And this morning I got a SMS from Kathy:

"I've gained 2kg and 4" on my waist! LC is like the size of avocado this week... How come he is always a fruit? Last week he was an apple... hahahaha
Love, hon+LC"

I'm gonna reply now :)

On Oct 24 we attended Sam & Ivan's wedding. This wedding brought Kathy's old time schoolmates together. Fei and her family flew in from Singapore as well. Fei got Little Curly a special gift - a box of funky socks. See it for yourself:

Thank you Fei!

p.s. Jennifer, who's also 4-mo pregnant, got a box too. It's so funny how our wedding were in the same month, and now we got pregnant with due dates in the same month as well. haha!

Kathy's in her week 15 already and she can now feel the tummy growing. This is cos the baby is now measuring about 4 inches long and it's about the size of an apple! His legs are growing longer than his arms now, and he can move all of his joints and limbs. Soon he'll be kicking and Kathy can feel it. Although his eyelids are still fused shut, he can sense light. According to BabyCenter, if we shine a flashlight at the tummy, for instance, he's likely to move away from the beam.

BabyCenter also said Kathy might have gained about 5 pounds by now, but she's still at her usual and not much weight gain yet. But her waist is measuring a 2 inches increase.

Over the weekend we started shopping for the new home and got a new sofa. We also shopped around for a new car too. This time we looked for a bigger rear passenger room to fit a baby car seat. It's best if the vehicle is ISO-FIX adapted as well. Choosing a car is not an easy process that all I can say...

Tonight Little Curly got his first souvenir from Crystal and Brian after their honeymoon in London.
It's a baby essential clothing set from Mamas & Papas. The 6 piece set includes sleepsuit and bodysuit, hat and scratch mitts.
It's so lovely! Thanks Auntie Crystal and Uncle Brian!!

Today we're entering week 14 of Kathy's pregnancy. We went to visit Doctor Ko this morning and did another ultrasound scan. Here's the video:

This week's big developments: he can now squint, frown, grimace, pee (yes in mom's uterus!), and possibly suck his thumb! From the video above, you can see how he's kicking and jumping and crawling inside already. His facial muscles are getting a workout as his tiny features form one expression after another.

It was tough making a measurement of his length this morning as he was so active (according to Kathy he was 'naughty') and wouldn't stop moving. The best measurement we got was 77.6mm but the doc said it's a little shorter than what he really is now.
He's also just about the size of a lemon. His body's growing faster than his head, which now sits upon a more distinct neck. By the end of this week, his arms will have grown to a length that's in proportion to the rest of his body (his legs still have some lengthening to do).

And this week marks the second trimester of Kathy's pregnancy. It's a good news cos Kathy's energy is likely returning. This is the period which most moms say the best period.

Kathy was having a conversation with her colleague who just gave birth to her baby recently, and they were talking about buying baby clothes as it's on sale now. Isn't it a little too early? Well according to my "financial controller", it's best to buy when it's on sale. So, we went to kingkow this afternoon and bought some summer bodysuits for Little Curly as it'll be perfect when he's born next April approaching summer time. Lesson learned: make small savings here and there and you can really save up.

In lightening speed we've confirmed Hiu Fung Gui (Greenwood Villas) to be our new home this afternoon. It's also gonna be Little Curly's new home when he's born. The place is spacey, quiet, with fresher air, and good for the new born. It's also close to Mei Foo where Kathy's parents live. To top it, it comes with a parking space too. A good excuse to get a new car :)

Here's a satellite view of our new home:

No one really knows why women have more leg cramps when they're pregnant. Well Kathy gets it! But instead of getting 'leg' cramps, she gets it on her 'toes'. Maybe cos her toes are too long and that expanding uterus puts even more pressure on the blood vessels that return blood from the legs to the heart and the nerves that lead from the trunk to the legs.

So what's the best way to relieve a cramp when you get one? According to the experts from BabyCenter.com:
"immediately stretch your calf muscles: straighten your leg, heel first, and gently flex your toes back toward your skins. It might hurt at first, but it will ease the spasm and the pain will gradually go away."

Last night we've done just that but it didn't seem to work. So instead of continuously stretching her toes, I did this -->
haha... how innovative I was!!

Yesterday when I returned to office, I saw a package on my office desk. It's a surprise package from HR. Inside there're:

a Google infant bodysuit
a Google infant cap
2 Google drool bibs

a good way to advertise the brand as they know we're gonna take lots of baby pics and post on the web. haha!

Kathy's still sick and had stayed at home for 2 days already. Still not too sure whether she can take the medicines, but we hope she can get well real soon. I'm sure little curly will support her too.

Today we're entering into week 13 of Kathy's pregnancy. Fingerprints have formed on Little Curly's tiny fingertips, his veins and organs are clearly visible through his still-thin skin, and his body is starting to catch up with his head - which makes up just a third of his body size now. He is almost 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce.

This is the last week of Kathy's first trimester, which means her pregnancy is more stable now. And starting next week marks the beginning of her second trimester, a time of relative comfort for Kathy.

The past week had been a tiring week for Kathy. She wasn't feeling too well, and also got a cold after attended crystal & brian's wedding. Since she couldn't take medicine, it takes longer for her to recover. Having slept for the whole day today, she's feeling much better now. Oh poor Kathy, don't worry, Little Curly and I will take good care of you. :)

We were making progress in finalizing a name for Little Curly this week.
For English: Jonathan - wiki | from Bible - David and Jonathan
For Chinese: - dictionary | is also from 禮記/大學 - 欲修其身者,先正其心

what do you all think?

Yesterday Little Curly attended Crystal & Brian's wedding and met most of the Wongs family. Aside from enjoying the great wedding and sharing their happiness, families were congratulating us on our pregnancy. We were so happy our little baby participated in this special event too.

Congrats Crystal and Brian! Little Curly will see his 表叔表嬸 soon!

The Baby

Jacob (Jake) Wong, 黃嘉正
Little Curly, 黃+連
Gender: boy
DOB: Apr 1, 2010
Zodiac Sign: Aries
