Today we're entering into week 13 of Kathy's pregnancy. Fingerprints have formed on Little Curly's tiny fingertips, his veins and organs are clearly visible through his still-thin skin, and his body is starting to catch up with his head - which makes up just a third of his body size now. He is almost 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce.

This is the last week of Kathy's first trimester, which means her pregnancy is more stable now. And starting next week marks the beginning of her second trimester, a time of relative comfort for Kathy.

The past week had been a tiring week for Kathy. She wasn't feeling too well, and also got a cold after attended crystal & brian's wedding. Since she couldn't take medicine, it takes longer for her to recover. Having slept for the whole day today, she's feeling much better now. Oh poor Kathy, don't worry, Little Curly and I will take good care of you. :)

We were making progress in finalizing a name for Little Curly this week.
For English: Jonathan - wiki | from Bible - David and Jonathan
For Chinese: - dictionary | is also from 禮記/大學 - 欲修其身者,先正其心

what do you all think?