Today we went to see Dr Kung again for the structural ultrasound scan. This scan is to check all external and internal structures of Little Curly including his arms and legs, his fingers and toes, his internal organs, his face and his heart. We were able to see his spines, arms and legs at the first attempt. But due to his position (he was curling up facing down) we weren't able to see the rest. So we had to wait til he changes position. So we had to wait for second attempt. On the second scan, he's still the same position so we had to wait again. Since we had to go back to work, we went back to Dr Kung in late afternoon. On third attempt, he changed his position a bit so we were able to see his hands and fingers as well as his kidneys. But we still couldn't get to his face and heart, which are the most crucial part. So we waited a bit again and on fourth attempt still no luck. Little Curly was just not cooperating. Maybe he's too shy to show his face or he doesn't want us to see his thick lips haha. ok we will do a new scan again tomorrow...